Hitting Aids
Baseball / Softball hitting aids are tools used by players to enhance their hitting skills, focusing on swing mechanics, muscle memory, and bat control, often used during practice to improve performance.
Your swing is something that needs to be worked on constantly so that it becomes muscle memory. After all, when the ball's on the way to the plate, you don't have time to think. You only have time to react. Good fundamentals will help you refine your swing and become a more consistent hitter.
It's been said hitting a baseball or softball is one of the hardest skills in all of athletics

Contact Zone Hitting Matt's - 3 Sizes for different skill levels
It"s Clear - You Can See The Difference

Batting Practice Without The Matt
No scale, guide lines or reference points to go by or check

Batting Practice With The Matt
Helps with footwork, batting tee, toss drills and batting practice

High Quality Material
Made of Strong Vinyl

Easy Storage
Will Store in Most Bat Bags

Easy to Set Up
Rolls Out / Rolls Up In Seconds
To Get Started
*Stance Should Be Around Shoulder Width
*Measure across the batters back
*Example to the left: the player measured 16"
*You can add up to three inches if needed
*In this case 2" were added so the stance is 18"

Roll The Matt Out
*Set Markers For Your Stance
*Distance the batter stands from home plate
*Rule of thumb - a bat length away from home plate
*Place the bat across the matt
*Barrel end in line with the edge of the Contact Zone
*Lay a ball beside the knob end of the bat (0) (18)
*The Batters Feet will stand in front of the markers
*In this example the batters stance is 18"

Working On Your Stride (example)
*The batter will get into their stance
*Lead foot points towards 0
*Back foot points towards 18
*Batter strides to the 3 then the 6 the 9 and so on
*Batter will decide which stride is best for them
*This example the batter choose a 6" stride
*Place a marker in front of the 6
Understanding The Power Base
*Stance is 18" + Stride is 6" = Power Base is 24"
*Power base can't be to narrow and unbalanced
*It can't be to wide restricting rotation
*Batter must work on a rheumatic stride
*Rheumatic stride is not quick but slow and easy
Stance - heel then toe up off the ground
Stride - toe then heel down on the ground

Staying Connected on Rotation - It's About Timing

Staying Connected
The Back Arm and elbow staying connected in the slot on contact - Good Timing

Lost Connection
Bad Timing - swinging early batters will lose connection the back arm and elbow leave the slot

Staying Connected
The Back Arm and elbow staying connected in the slot on contact - Good Timing

Lost Connection
Bad Timing - swinging early batters will lose connection the back arm and elbow leave the slot
Why Players Use The Contact Zone
*Beginners get correct fundamentals early
*Advanced players do drills / fundamentals correctly
*Popular hitting drills are used
*Scale for Footwork
*Guide Lines for the Batting Tee
*Contact Zone pointed out
*Contact Points to check correct contact location
*Gray Area is considered a strike by most umpires
*Players can practice without a coach being there

Tee Ball Drill
*Guide Lines used to place the Batting Tee
*Tee can be placed on any Contact Zone
*Outside Middle Inside Contact Zones
*Tee's with a nine inch base are easier to use
Side Toss / Front Toss / Back Toss
*The example on the right is for a right handed batter
*The Coach, Parent or Player will sit on a bucket
*Side Toss they sit at an angle across from the batter
*Front Toss they sit in front of the batter
*Back Toss they sit behind the batter
*They toss a ball underhanded over the Target Ball (T)
*The Target Ball can be set at any Contact Point so
*Players can work on any pitch
*Also the tosser can toss it at any height (knee to belt)

Batting Practice
Live Batting Practice on the field is the best hitting drill for both baseball and softball Players - Three target balls will be placed on the matt at any contact point - The pitcher has a target to throw over - the pitcher can yell out which target ball they will throw over or not say anything Batters can use the scale to check stance, stride and power base / coaches can see pitch location and check contact points - this is a great hitting aid for any batting practice at any age
Home Plate - Location
Outside Zone - 4" to 5" wide
Middle Zone - 7" to 8" wide
Inside Zone -4" to 5" wide

Rotation to Contact
Backside Rotation - Its not how far the foot rotates totally its how far the foot rotates when contact is made with the ball - Rotation usually continues after contact is made